Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Right, that's it! Helen Gets Tuff.

After reading Mark Hibbett's blog about Offline last Friday, and how even he, with his rufty-tufty man's vocal chords and indie music vibe got talked over by the baying crowds, I have embarked on a song called 'Shut Up! I'm Singing', which I shall craft as a blunt instrument and whack out whenever necessary to shut people up. It will contain ugly noises and witty words.
Tempted to talk loudly on purpose just to get me to sing the new song?
I shall knee you in the goolies immediately.

The other day, I lost my guitar lead at the gig and couldn't think where it was. Aha! It was still there when I went back, colied neatly on the coat peg on the back of the toilet door.
Meanwhile, Ingrid Andrew kindly posted me back my watch, and I left my umbrella at the hairdresser's.
It's all these extra things. I bet Adam and Eve didn't have this problem.


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