Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The Story of the 'I Am A Wanker' T-shirts

I lived in a house for a while that belonged to a feisty female mature student at Sussex University. She had two chums who shared her dislike for the young student whippersnappers who also attended the University, so they hatched a plan; she bought a consignment of white t-shirts, printed the words 'I Am A Wanker' on them, and they rented a stall at the weekly market held in the Mandela Hall, rubbing their hands with glee at the thought of all those silly students buying their shirts and walking round in them.
Unfortunately, the students were not silly enough and they returned home with the full consignment of printed shirts, having sold none.
For the next several months, she and her chums wore the shirts around the house, and also as jogging apparel in the mornings, puffing through the streets of Brighton.
I refused the offer of a free shirt.


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