Wednesday, July 05, 2006


This weather continues, I'm gonna have to get that banjo down from the shelf, sit on the back porch and play me some bluegrass!
Scaledown broadcast will now be on the 14th July; I'll put the Resonance details up closer to the time. I've just done a proposal to Resonance to interview Martin Stephenson for a Clear Spot. Hope they say yes, cos he's very entertaining.
How I wish I lived in Barnet-on-sea. When I lived in Camberwell I used to dream that the sea was just over the back wall. It was such a disappointment to wake up and realise the sea was many hot hours away, and over the back wall was just more and more houses and people and cars and litter and dog poo. Camberwell had more d-p-h (dogs per hectare) than anywhere else in the universe, and that's a fact. There was a competition to see who could get the largest number of gigantic vicious dogs into the tiniest flat with the least garden space, and then get sickest of them and abandon them to Battersea Dogs Home fastest. Honest.


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