Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Eighties Style and Helen and the Horns

I was particularly proud of the fact that we didn't look fashionable: I didn't order the Horns out of a 'we look cool' catalogue and as a band we were liberated by this.
The pop star Marilyn reviewed Freight Train on Round Table, the weekly BBC Radio One round-up of new releases. He was disparaging, sneering after the other reviewer remarked what a lovely happy sound it was,'I'm just wondering how much her mother paid for her singing lessons!'.
Ouch! That hurt!
The Chefs had told me that I sang out of tune all the time and told me I should go and have lessons.
I found a lovely old man to teach me but could often not afford to pay, and I'd sometimes go without eating to make sure I didn't miss a session. He twigged soon enough and started giving me free lessons, with the occasional resting of his hand on my thigh in exchange. Naturally, I could not bear this and went back to paying and starving.
So Marilyn, you were wrong. And when your 'people' phoned to book the Horns for a Top of the Pops appearance, I refused to let you have them. I was not going to let you mock and scorn them because they weren't dressed in the latest fashions like you, and because their sound was more important to them than their looks.
I still feel a pang of guilt that maybe I prevented them from appearing on the iconic TV programme but I do feel in my heart of hearts that I saved them from a scathing rejection by a sarcastic style icon.
Later, we ended up where we belonged- Pebble Mill at One!


Blogger noticias said...

Corrupción política del perú -Gerry- Pederásta y Pedófilo Caso Maddie

Corrupción política del perú -Gerry- Pederásta y Pedófilo Caso Maddie
El Fraude, Moneda Nacional
En el pais de no me acueeeerdo ,
doy tres pasitos y me pieeeeerdo
se me cae, un billete y lo levanta el juez,
“uy perdon” le digo y contesta “No importa, pase Ud.”

Un campeonato ganado,
otro arbritro comprado,
Un cura que reclama ” Felices los niños”
.. que yo abuse
Y clarin siempre diciendo , La pura Verdad,
que el presidente de turno quiere escuchar

Compren, compren, se venden libertades,
se venden al por mayor , abogados corruptos y fiscales tambien
seis tiros en la cabeza que el dinero no pudo ocultar
hay silencios que son muy caros pero mas caro es el hablar,
algun medio pagara, esta excusiva de verdad

Habilitamos lo que sea por un cafe y algo mas,
digame lo que necesita, cualquier cosa se consigue
el diego, lo podemos conversar

Y hablando de Diego, pobre muchacho
que fraude le hicieron, se parece al electoral ,
por un punto mas de raiting una bebe queda sin hogar ,
es que la TV es tirana y del Monstruo mejor ni hablar

Ya para ir dejando el Verso que es moneda nacional,
Cuanto vale esta patente que a todos va a curar,
curar o currar? perdon me confundi,
mas que a una madre o mas que a una padre ,
si me lleno los bolsillos, que mas da
si para nosotros el fraude la moneda nacional

8:29 AM  

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