Sunday, July 13, 2008

Christina's Bird: a true story.

Christina bought a bird at the pet shop and took it home to her flat.
'Hurray hurray!', sang the bird, 'I have been bought and taken to a home, lucky me, lucky me, at last I belong to someone and I am singing a happy song. Just listen! Tra-la, tra-la! Just look at this house! It has windows and curtains and a carpet, and a television to keep me company, and exciting noises coming from the kitchen! Tweetly-deetly, what a glorious day! A lifetime of love and care, and Trill bird seed in my little yellow plastic feeder attached to the bars! No cats! No cats! the telephone rings, trill-a-dee, trill-a-da! She sits there reading, what a beautiful girl, readily-deedly, turn the pages, turn the pages! The sun is shining, the sky is blue! Trilladoo!'.
'Bloody bird never shuts up!', grumped Christina, and took it back to the pet shop.


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