Friday, May 02, 2008

Who am I to argue?

I've been doing the housework and I've had to take a break; one of those plants called Mother-in-laws-tongue stabbed me in the eye with its sharp leaf, and my eye hurt and started watering. The cactuses were laughing at my accident (spiteful things) and so I'm sitting down musing.
I ate some raspberries (Moonintroll's favourite) and that reminded me of once, when I was a little girl, McMum tried to force me to eat stewed figs. Why should I want to eat those greeny-yellow slimy things full of little gritty seeds? I clenched my teeth hard and she tried to prise them apart with the spoon. In the end, I sat there all afternoon until I ate them. Except I didn't; McMum had to just give up.
I feel the same way about eggs- not scrambled or omletted, but the separate white-yolk combo. They make me gag- the mouth just says no, and who am I to argue?


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