Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Cold Poem by the River

I had a long drive back from Chollerford to Docklands yesterday, almost seven hours, but I was in such a good mood; it was a weekend of animators, teachers and musicians, with facilitators and motivators, all bubbling away. I had to miss the last morning; it was so difficult to tear myself away because they made a film with music and I heard that everybody loved it!
The whole experience was a bit like being part of a ball of gas just about to turn into a planet, or perhaps a planet just about to turn into a ball of gas. Probably, I shouldn't write more about it; I don't want to break any spells.But I do have one strong abiding memory- standing by the river with a chilly bunch of people, singing, looking at the sky in the cold sunshine and one of the people( Robson Green lookalike, you know who you are!) just saying
'Well, I thought,
Quick fish
Silver in the river
Pink on my dish'


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