Monday, August 06, 2007


Well, I'm away in Scotland visiting McMum and McDad. Came up via Blanchland, that lovely little Northumbrian village that used to be a monastery and that now boasts the fattest rabbits and the podgiest roses you've ever seen; and Druridge Bay, just soft fine sand as far as the eye can see. I remembered going on a trip there as a teenager when I went to Bellingham International Camp, and having disgusting mini pork pies for the third day running. I persuaded everyone to bury them deep in the sand. I expect they are fossilised by now.
McDad's computer is very slow, it's getting old, and that's why I haven't posted much.
Today, I'm goimg to a puppet show at the Netherbow, and some comedy thing later. I wanted to see the Trachtenberg Family but couldn't persuade anyone to come with me. Tomorrow evening, I'm playing at Foakies, which is in a pub called the Oaks on Infirmary Street in Edinburgh. It's unplugged, its three quid (I think) and there's a poet on too. See for details.
Gotta go- taking the folks for lunch!


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