Thursday, June 28, 2007

Tape's rollin

Went to Tom's yesterday and recorded three new songs (well, two and a half: one of them was an old one with a radical change)
A sculptor started drilling halfway through but we managed OK. I also redid a vocal on another song in a completely different way and realised a song is not always what you think it is when you first write it.
I have to go and get my guitar sorted out 'cos it's fighting me at the moment nd we can't have that!
I have enough now for a next album o stuff I could actually listen to myself, but now have to sort out how to release it. Actually, I have to finishe the tracks as they are almost all rough demos apart from Memento Mori which is my favourite one out of all of them at the moment although I think one of yesterday's might topple it from it's perch.
I am going to re-sing lots of them in the happy summervoice (not only is it summer when I sing better anyway but I am happy too and singing yesterday was as easy as breathing).
What else?
Well, e-conversations about Sunday, everything from harrassment by DJs to photographs taken, people met, plans for the future...
Today? Song Club. We are planning a concert in a Retirement Home, infinitely more complex than planning a normal gig. I have a red and white checked shirt on that the children like. They call me a cowboy; there's a lot of gender confusion as Jamie is gay and they call him Miss occasionally.
They have obviously not noticed that I am a woman.


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