Friday, June 09, 2006

Protest Camp and Song Club Show

Oh Joby, sorry not to have bigged up the protest camp yet! I've had a trojan horse on the computers at home and currently post fom any computer I can get to- this is from Barnet library, yesterday's was from a computer in the basement at work- hence complex things like pasting in details and email addresses is having to wait- for anyone anxious to know what the hell I'm gannin' on aboot (esp. if Geordie and understand those complex linguistics), see the coooment Joby made on the previous posting. Anyone protecting ancient land from greedy developers has my support, any day!
This morning, Song Club sang their songs to all their school chums in assembly- a little bit shy, and they almost all forgot to say their bits in between. I messed up one song, Dan messed up another but we pulled ourselves together and did a superb finale, with all the children strumming away at the invisible strings on their cardboard guitars (should have heard them comparing techniques afterwards- honestly!). Ahh, sweet! Thanks to Graz and Kevin from Barnet Football Club for giving up their time to come along and talk to the children. And for tickets!!!
Got almost all the selections for my CD back from the listening ears- the only ones in late are the musicians of my acquaintance. Why could this be? Busy schedules, days full of sex, drugs, rock'n'roll: or wine, women and song? Who knows? Not I.


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